What is this?

iterations.design is a weekly newsletter to inspire & enhance your product iterations. Because we all know our work is constantly evolving, never done & always improving.

Why subscribe?

iterations.design is an effort to find the best way from point A to point B within product design & development. As product people, we are always on a journey that oftentimes includes a gruelling process, with many windings roads and insurmountable amounts of macro/micro decisions. This is especially true when considering the fact that products are always evolving and adapting, whilst leaving their iterations mostly chaotic and uncontrolled. iterations.design wants to change that by gathering tools, stories & inspirations around a community that seeks to enhance this never-ending product iteration process.

“Our role is to imagine products that don’t exist and guide them to life.” – Christopher Stringer

What will land in your inbox for your Saturday morning coffee?

  • 5 Tools

  • 3 Stories

  • 2 Inspos

Join iterators like you!

Be part of a community of people who share your interests. Who, just like you are on a never-ending journey of improving and perfecting their product iterations.

So.. what's the gameplan?

01 → Enable submitting your own Stories, Tools & Inspos: The first step on the agenda will be co-creating this product iteration focused newsletter with you, by enabling you to submit content & features.

02 → A Medium Publication for more submissions: Absolutely key & integral to creating the iterations.design brand authority will be a Medium publication, where you can submit & read stories of iterators just like you.

03 → A Slack Community of like-minded iterators: The Slack community is the one I am most excited about, as that is going to be the platform, where you will be able to bounce off ideas & iterations almost seamlessly!

04 → Open up for sponsorships & collaborations: At one point this also needs to pay off. But, if we hit a sizeable subscriber base & you are working on a product that needs promotion. Then we can always chat!

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A weekly newsletter to inspire
 & enhance your product iterations. Now on: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/iterations